Welcome to APMRC 2018

On behalf of the PPM School of Management, Indonesia in collaboration with Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Foreign Trade University, and Vietnam National University, The 2nd Asia-Pacific Management Research Conference is sponsoring a call for papers relating to “Innovation and Strategic Alliance for Sustainable Development”

The aim of The 2nd Asia-Pacific Management Research Conference (APMRC) is to provide a forum for academics and professionals to share research findings, experiences and knowledge for growth and sustainability in Asia-Pacific.

Full Papers/Extended Abstract on the following topics are welcome:

▰ Strategic Management
▰ Human Resources/Capital
▰ Operations and Supply Chain
▰ Organizational Behavior
▰ Innovation and Entrepreneurship
▰ Corporate Governance
▰ Finance and Accounting Management

▰ Risk Management
▰ Marketing Management
▰ Cost Management
▰ Sustainable Business Development
▰ Hospitality and Tourism
▰ Business Law
▰ Economics

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The 2nd Asia-Pacific Management Research Conference (APMRC)

Hanoi University of Science and Technology
1 Dai Co Viet Road, Ha Noi, Viet Nam