The 5th Asia-Pacific Management Research Conference (APMRC)

“Adapting Sustainability Strategies in Business and Management”

August 21st – 23rd, 2024 Hybrid Conference

The Asia Pacific Research Management Conference (APMRC) is an annual activity organized by the PPM School of Management, this year the conference hosted by PPM School of Management (Indonesia), Widya Dharma Pontianak University (Indonesia), Panca Bhakti University (Indonesia) and Hanoi University of Science and Technology – School of Economics and Management (Vietnam). Through this activity, scientific papers were presented in management science by academics and practitioners from various educational institutions and companies throughout Indonesia. This year marks the 5th  international conference held hybrid (offline venue will be held in Indonesia), on August 21st – 23rd, 2024.

The research topics presented at the 5th APMRC related to management economics can include the following derivative topics but are not limited to: Strategic Management, Human Resources/Capital, Operations and Supply Chain, Organizational Behavior, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Finance and Risk Management, Marketing Management, Hospitality and Tourism, Cost Management, Accounting, Sustainable Business Development, Machine Learning in Business, etc.

Important Dates

  1. Coaching Clinic with International Editor in Chief
  2. Selected Papers will be Published in International Proceeding and Supporting Journals 
  3. City Tour “All day city tour land and river” – Pontianak, West Borneo

The research topics presented at the APMRC related to management and economics can include the following derivative topics but are not limited to:

  1. Strategic Management 
  2. Risk Management 
  3. Human Resources/Capital 
  4. Marketing Management 
  5. Operations and Supply Chain 
  6. Cost Management 
  7. Organizational Behavior 
  8. Sustainable Business Development 
  9. Innovation and Entrepreneurship 
  10. Hospitality and Tourism 
  11. Corporate Governance 
  12. Business Law 
  13. Finance and Accounting Management 
  14. Economics 
  15. Machine Learning in Business
  16. Family Business
Keynoted Speaker

Professor Amanda Gudmundsson is Executive Dean, Faculty of Business and Law, QUT. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Griffith University) combining the fields of industrial psychology and business, a Graduate Certificate in Education (Higher Education) (QUT), a 1st class Honours degree in Psychology (Organisational Psychology) (Griffith University), and a Bachelor of Behavioural Science (OH&S and I/O Psychology).

After an early career in various human resources roles in agricultural machinery and the built environment, Amanda has spent more than 25 years at QUT undertaking a variety of academic and leadership roles. Her leadership experience has included study area leadership for the Human Resource Management field, MBA Director, Director of the Brisbane Graduate School of Business, Head of School of Design, and Associate Dean, Learning & Teaching.

As Executive Dean, Amanda is responsible for the strategic leadership, governance, and financial management of the Faculty of Business and Law (FBL), which includes five discipline schools (Accountancy; Advertising, Marketing & Public Relations; Economics & Finance; Law; and Management) and the QUT Graduate school of Business. FBL enrols approximately 12,500 students and employs approximately 300 permanent academic and professional staff and a large number of sessional academic staff.
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Invited Speaker

Feby Budi Dayono is a passionate person with professional experiences in Southeast Asia, North America, and Middle East for Community Development, Marketing, Public Relations, and Communications.  He start his career as Marketing & PR Executive at Ali Alsharif Est. In 2022, he joined GoTo Group in the position Senior Lead, Sustainability Strategy & Integration. In this position, he has the responsibility to leading GoTo Group’s integrated sustainability commitment, focusing on the company’s environmental and socio-economic impact and financial inclusion of the ecosystem, overseeing Zero Barriers as a socio-economic pillar, focusing on the development of in-house financial products and services aimed at improving the economic wellbeing and sustainable livelihoods of GoTo’s drivers and merchant partners and many more.

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Coaching Clinic Speakers

Prof. Dr. Cham Tat Huei is currently Professor and Deputy Dean at UCSI Graduate Business School, UCSI University, Malaysia. Additionally, he serves as a Visiting Professor at Tashkent State University of Economics (Uzbekistan), Visiting Research Professor at Symbiosis International (Deemed) University (India), and IQRA University (Pakistan). Furthermore, he holds the position of Research Advisor at the Co-operative Institute of Malaysia (CIM) and is a Research Associate at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Dr. Cham received his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree from Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Malaysia), a Master’s degree in Management Studies from the University of Hertfordshire (UK), and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from INTI International Laureate University (Malaysia). Moreover, he holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration (Hons) in Entrepreneurship from Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Malaysia). Prior to joining academia, he was actively involved as a consumer and industry marketing researcher.

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Eugene Aw Cheng Xi is an Assistant Professor in Marketing and Head of Research & Postgraduate Studies at the UCSI Graduate Business School, UCSI University, Malaysia. He received his Doctor of Philosophy (Marketing) degree, Master of Science in Business Economics (Marketing), and Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (Hons) from Universiti Putra Malaysia (Malaysia).

His current research work focuses on consumer behavior, influencer marketing, branding, and technology marketing. His research has been published in reputable Web of Science (WOS) indexed and Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) ranked-A journals such as Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Computers in Human Behavior, Internet Research, Information Technology & People, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Tourism Management Perspectives, among others.

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Investment Fee

Abstract Submission Guideline (Click Here)
Paper Submission Guideline (Click Here)
Abstract Template (Click Here)  
Paper Template (Click Here)
Terms of Publication Agreement (Click Here)
Extended Abstract Submission Deadline  :
June 21st 2024
Notification of Abstract Acceptance :
July 5th 2024
Registration and Payment Deadline :
July 19th 2024
Full Paper Submission Deadline :
July 19th 2024
Full Paper Revision (if applicable) :
August 16th 2024
Conference Date :
21 – 23 August 2024
Entry Regulation
Plennary Session

Prof. Amanda Gudmundsson

Download here – (available soon)

Feby Budi Dayono

Download here –(available soon)
Coaching Clinic

Prof. Cham That Huei

Download here – (available soon)

Assc. Prof. Dr. Eugene Aw Cheng Xi

Download here – (available soon)

Book of Abstract
Download here –(available soon)

(available soon)

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