
1. International Proceeding- by SCIENDO PUBLISHER
(Additional Fee : Rp 2.250.000/ $ 145)


    • Scopus* (will be submitted after online publication)
    • Web of Science (WoS)* (will be submitted after online publication)
    • EBSCO Discovery Service
    • Baidu Scholar
    • Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
    • BDS
    • Bowker Book Data
    • Ciando
    • CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)
    • Dimensions
    • ExLibris
    • Google Books
    • Google Scholar
    • Naviga
    • ReadCube
    • Semantic Scholar
    • TDOne (TDNet)
    • WorldCat (OCLC)
    • X-MOL.


2. The 5th APMRC Proceeding – ISBN  (No Additional Fee)

Supporting Journal
  1. Indonesia Journal of Sustainability Accounting and Management (IJSAM) – University of Pasundan (Indexed in Emerging Sources Citation (Web of Science) & Accredited by SINTA 2)
    Fee: No Additional Fee
    Period Publication: June; December
  2. South East Asian Journal of Management (SEAM) – Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Indonesia (Indexed in DOAJ & Accredited by SINTA 2)
    Link :
    Fee: No Additional Fee
    Period Publication: April, October
  3. Jurnal Siasat Bisnis (JSB) – Islamic University of Indonesia (Indexed in DOAJ & Accredited by SINTA 2)
    Fee: Rp2,500,000
    Period Publication: January, July
  4. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen (JAM) – Brawijaya University (Indexed in DOAJ & Accredited by SINTA 2)
    Fee: Rp 2.000.000 for Indonesian Author ; Rp 1.000.000 for Foreign Author
    Period Publication: March, June, September, December.
  5. Journal of Multiparadigm Accounting (JAMAL) – Brawijaya University (Indexed in DOAJ & Accredited by SINTA 2)
    Fee:Rp 2.500.000 for Indonesian Author; free for Foreign Author
    Period Publication: April, August, December
  6. Journal of Indonesian Applied Economics (JIAE) – Brawijaya University (Indexed in DOAJ & Accredited by SINTA 2)
    Fee: Rp 750.000
    Period Publication: February, August
  7. Journal of Applied Business and Management (JABM) – School of Business, IPB University (Indexed in DOAJ & Accredited by SINTA 2)
    Fee: Rp 2.000.000
    Period Publication: Januari, Mei, September
  8. Journal of Economics, Business & Accountancy Ventura (JEBAV) – Hayam Wuruk University (Indexed in DOAJ & Accredited by SINTA 2)
    Fee: Rp. 1,500,000,- ($ 140 – for Foreign Author)
    Period Publication: TBC
  9. International Research Journal of Business Studies – Universitas Prasetiya Mulya (Indexed in DOAJ & Accredited by SINTA 2)
    Fee: TBC
    Period Publication: TBC
  10. Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia (JAKI) – Indonesia University (Indexed in DOAJ & Accredited by SINTA 2)
    Fee: Rp 500.000
    Period Publication: June, December
  11. Journal of Innovation In Business and Economics (JIBE) – University of Muhammadiyah Malang (Accredited by SINTA 2)
    Fee: No Additional Fee
    Period Publication: June, December
  12. Journal of Management and Business Review (JMBR) – PPM School of Management ((Indexed in DOAJ & Accredited by SINTA 3)
    Fee: No Additional Fee
    Period Publication: January, July
  13. Jurnal Akuntansi Kontemporer (JAKO) – Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya (Indexed in DOAJ & Accredited by SINTA 3)
    Fee: No Additional Fee
    Period Publication: January, May, September
  14. Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi (JIAFE) – Pakuan University (Accredited by SINTA 3)
    Fee: Rp 500.000
    Period Publication: June, December
  15. Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi (JIMFE) – Pakuan University (Accredited by SINTA 3)
    Fee: Rp 500.000
    Period Publication: June, December
  16. Journal of Marketing Advances and Practices (JMAP) – Sarawak Research Society (International Journal)
    Fee : TBC
    Period Publication: January, June,
  17. International Journal of Marketing and Digital Creative (IJMADIC) – Research Synergy Foundation (International Journal)
    Fee : TBC
    Period Publication: March, September
Abstract Submission Guideline (Click Here)
Paper Submission Guideline (Click Here)
Abstract Template (Click Here)  
Paper Template (Click Here)
Terms of Publication Agreement (Click Here)
Extended Abstract Submission Deadline  :
June 21st 2024
Notification of Abstract Acceptance :
July 5th 2024
Registration and Payment Deadline :
July 19th 2024
Full Paper Submission Deadline :
July 19th 2024
Full Paper Revision (if applicable) :
August 16th 2024
Conference Date :
21 – 23 August 2024
Entry Regulation
Plennary Session

Prof. Amanda Gudmundsson

Download Here – (available soon)

Feby Budi Dayon

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Coaching Clinic

Prof. Cham That Huei

Download here –(available soon)

Assc. Prof. Dr. Eugene Aw Cheng Xi

Download here –(available soon)

Book of Abstract

(available soon)


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